Vegan PK 3-5 is the perfect balanced combination of Phosphor and Potassium. Phosphor activates blooming inside any treated plant and Potassium prompts flowering and creates an exuberant flowering. It is sourced with vegetal ingredients only, which is the purest form of plant feeding. Containing extremely low levels of ballast salts and no heavy metals. This way the Vegan PK 3-5 is also directly absorbable by the root system, and no heavy metals will remain in the end product. Vegan PK 3-5 should always be used in combination with the main fertilizers Veganics
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Born from my passion, the purest plant-based flowering stimulator in the world. Free of animal waste and chemical traces.
3.6% (P) as (P2O5)
4.5% (K) as (K2O)
Vegan PK 3-5 should be applied from the first week of flowering until the final week of flowering. Vegan PK 3-5 can be used in conjunction with all Bionova fertilizers, stimulators, minerals, universals & substrates. Vegan PK 3-5 can be used as irrigation.
Application in irrigation
From 1st until last week flowering: 4-12 ml per 10 liters.
Application as foliar spray
Can’t be used as foliar spray.
250 ml, 1 liter, 5 liters, 20 liters, 200 liters, 1000 liters