Bionova Living Soil

Bionova Living Soil Let Mother Nature take control!

Living Soil allows nature to take control, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem
Packed with all essential nutrients, free from heavy metals and chemicals
Provides 12 weeks of slow-release natural fertilization
Full range of beneficial Microbials in one concentrated mixture

What is Living Soil ?

Living Soil is a granular fertilizer made from 100% natural ingredients. Containing all essential Macro and Micro nutrients needed for a complete 12-week plant cycle. During this period the fertilizer is slowly released allowing the plants to absorb exactly what they need. What makes this product a true Living Soil? Living Soil is packed with Micro Organisms, Mycorrhiza’s, Bacillus, Enzymes, Amino Acids & Vitamins. The high concentration of these components in this one product create a thriving soil ecosystem, enabling your plants to flourish!


How to use Living soil?

Each bag contains 220 grams of Living Soil, ideal for mixing with 15-20 liters of substrate. Once watered, Living Soil gradually dissolves, releasing all the natural elements over time. With Living Soil, growing becomes effortless and 100% natural!

EC Fertilizer

Mixture of NPK fertilizers & ­Micro Organisms 6-5-7

6% Total Nitrogen (N) of which:
2% Ammoniacal Nitrogen (N)
4% Nitric Nitrogen (N)
5% Phosphor pentoxide (P2O5)
7% Potassium oxide (K2O)
3% Sulfur trioxide (SO3)


Micro organisms, Mycorrhiza (see full list below), Bacillus (see full list below), Bentonite, seaweed, lime, vinasse, cacoapellets, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins C – B1 – E, humates, natural chelated trace-elements, clay minerals, compost and Ascophillum Nodosum (kelp).

Micorrhiza species (Endo & Ecto):

  • Glomus intraradices
  • Glomus mosseae
  • Glomus aggregatum
  • Glomus clarum
  • Glomus monosporus
  • Glomus etunicatum
  • Glomus deserticola
  • Glomus brasillianum
  • Gigaspora margarita
  • Pisolithus tinctorius
  • Laccaria bicolor
  • Laccaria laccata
  • Rhizopogon amylopogon
  • Rhizopogon villosuli
  • Rhizopogon fulvigleba
  • Rhizopogon luteolus
  • Scleroderma citrinum
  • Scleroderma cepa

Micro organisms – Bacillus species:

B. licheniformis

B. pasteurii

B. amyloliquefaciens

B. subtilis

B. laevolacticus

B. Azotofixans


Any questions about Bionova Living Soil? Get in touch with one of our professionals.

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